TritoCryl 2K

TritoCryl 2K Acrylic Roof Coating


Acrylic roof coatings have been used for decades as a UV-protective “sunscreen for your roof” that prevents premature degradation. Until recently, acrylic coatings have only been available in 1-component form, requiring no rain in the forecast. This makes them difficult to apply in many climates around the globe.

Triton has developed and released TRITOCRYL 2K, an instant-setting acrylic that can be applied to any thickness in 1 coat and can be rained on immediately, preventing wash-off. We use it as a premium protective coating for our TRITOFLEX 2K rubber membrane and all other types of roofs. TRITOCRYL 2K prevents premature degradation and forms a highly reflective “cool roof”, to reduce heat transfer and increase energy efficiency.

Keep your roof cool and protected with TRITOCRYL 2K, and don’t worry about it washing off when it suddenly starts raining.

0.92 thermal emittance
85% solar reflectivity
Applied to any thickness in 1 coat
Excellent resistance to algae and fungi
200% elongation
350 psi tensile strength
Meets all Title 24 requirements

TritoCryl 2K is an Applicator only product. Only our Certified Applicators can install this product.

How can we help?

If you need help or advice on waterproofing, feel free to contact us by phone or email. You can also send us a message below and we'll get back to you quickly.

Or if you're interested in becoming a certified applicator, click here.

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